Hi! This is probably going to be the shortest WIBW I'll ever do, so you won't be here til dinnertime reading anything. For once. So enjoy it and soak it in because it won't be happening again. lol I haven't had a lot of time this month to watch too much of anything; I'm helping my godmom relaunch her social media sites for her company and wrapping up Octoberfest over on ATV. When I wasn't busy with other things, I was watching Halloween makeup videos on YouTube. lol The three things on this month's list are the only three I made a point to watch and of course Hocus Pocus is on here. If you don't watch Hocus Pocus, did you really celebrate Halloween?
Hocus Pocus
Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries
Live PD
Hocus Pocus gets the biggest piece of this month's picture because duh. It's a Halloween tradition for me to spend my night with dimmed lights, snacks and Hocus Pocus. This year I invited my sister and we made a fort in the living room while the kids were out trick-or-treating. Of course, watching it now as an adult I'm always struck by how campy this actually was, but I think that's also what makes it so much fun. If you haven't seen it I'm not going to describe it to you because your lack of knowledge about the movie means we can no longer be friends. Point is, this is what I waited all month to watch and I loved it.
A returning favorite on this month's list is Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. It's beginning to look like the show is over as a film trilogy was recently confirmed and I think the announcement is what made me go back and watch some of my favorite episodes of the show. Well that and I was cleaning the kitchen and needed something to watch while I washed the dishes. lol I got my sister into this show a couple of years ago and accidentally created a monster. I feel like I've covered the show before in a WIBW so in case I have, I'll be brief. The show is set in late '20s Australia about a socialite turned lady detective Phryne Fisher. Her assistant Dot helps her solve her mysteries, but the investigations usually crash into those of Detective Inspector Jack Robinson and his constable Hugh. It's a delicious mix of murder mysteries, sexual tension and the 1920s.
Lastly, I've been harassed by relatives to watch Live PD for I don't even know how long, and I finally caved earlier this month. My uncle and his wife watch the show religiously every weekend and they told me the new season was going to be featuring our hometown so I should check it out. What my uncle actually told me to do was find a way to get on Live PD (aka cause a disturbance sufficient enough for someone to call the police and hopefully the responding officers will be the ones that the show features) and give him and his wife a shoutout on-camera. LOL When the episodes featuring my city started to air, he would write me on Messenger 30 minutes before the show aired, again 5 minutes before, and then right at 7:00 on the dot to ask if I was watching. If we talked on the phone that evening after the show was over, he'd harass me for not watching, then do it all over again the following night when it came back on. See why I said bullied? I was going through my craft stuff to get ready for Halloween earlier this month and figured what the hell, let me go on and get this out of the way so I can stop being harassed but I ended up getting hooked instead. And whaddya know, I get hooked and my uncle stops asking/live updating me about the show. He stopped talking about it almost entirely. Dafuq? If you haven't seen it, it's basically a live feed into six counties around the nation, my city being one of them. We get to follow the local departments on their shifts for three hours and see things as they happen in real time. It's like COPS for today's generation, another police show that frequently featured my city. lol While I'm slightly embarrassed by the various acts of fuckery and tomfoolery that are sometimes aired on the show, it's also kinda cool to see my city having some kind of national coverage for something that isn't entirely bad. I dig it. Because it's live you never know what sort of situations will end up on air, whether its a basic traffic stop, a police chase or an accident and I like that everything is entirely live. Not only does it keep the police accountable because the bodycams are on and the nation is watching their every move as well, but it also means that literally anything can happen. Check it out if you haven't already; it airs every Friday and Saturday on A&E.
Because there were only three items on this month's list, I have no Picks of the Month or Throwaway Picks.