Welcome! I’m Mandy, your long-winded hostess. You may have found Random Reviews ‘n Things from my other digital home, All Things Vintage, or you may have found this site on your own. Regardless of how you found your way in though, I’m glad you’re here! Come in, take your shoes off and stay for awhile!
I’d like to tell you the Cliff Notes of this site first. I’ve been blogging since 2008 and this blog has been around since 2009, although it looked quite different back then. Originally this wasn’t a review blog; it was a soap opera blog called Daytime Suds. LOL How’s that for random, right? I used to be a soap opera addict, so I’d blog about anything concerning them. Around 2010, I switched the focus to TV reviews. Problem with that concept was that I wasn’t into TV enough to want to review it all the time, and as a result, the content floundered. The next year and a half were all about trial and error, as I added some elements, took others out, and tried to figure out what the next blogging chapter held for me.
A common thread that I noticed, regardless of the topic at hand, was that I was reviewing my experience and my thoughts about something. Whether it was a beauty product, a book, an app, or the occasional tv show, I was reviewing it and providing my thoughts. So I thought, why don’t I just combine these interests and instead of being a beauty, tv, or movie reviewer, why not just be a review blogger instead? That’s basically what I was doing anyway, and this way I can still indulge in all of my interests but this time it’ll be because it’s my job. But I kept hearing that you shouldn’t have more than one area of focus on your blog, and this deterred me for quite some time. I tried removing elements again, but I liked the categories that the site had and I really didn’t want to pigeonhole myself into only reviewing one specific subject. For my overactive brain, just focusing on one thing would be something I’d eventually grow bored with and I didn’t want to do that. So finally, I put on my best
face, said, “Pfft. I do what I want,” and thus Random Reviews ‘n Things was born.

Random Reviews ‘n Things is explained in its title. I have a lot of interests, and it seemed silly...not to mention overwhelming as all get out….to manage a separate blog for those interests since I was just going to review them all anyway, so RRNT gave me a place to indulge in all of them simultaneously. The “Things” portion of the site was for me to create the posts that aren’t review-related, the ones that allow you to get to know me better aside from my reviews. As for the reviews themselves, they’re totally random and can look like there’s no focus, but really I’d just like the site overall to look well-rounded. You may have a mascara review sandwiched between a Netflix Original tv review and a review of some gaming headphones. And I like that because it reflects who I am quite well.
I don’t have a traditional target market here; if you’re a consumer of goods in one of the categories that I review, then you’re who I’d like to appeal to. I’m not here to be biased, I’m here to provide what I hope are fun, informative (and probably long-winded, it can’t be helped) reviews on a number of topics. So my philosophy is, you may come here for one kind of review but end up staying for an entirely different kind. A one-stop review shop, if you will. And that’s exactly what I wanted.
I sincerely hope you enjoy your stay here, whether you just come for one type of post or you stay for all of them, because I really do love this blog and what it represents. And with that, I’ve finished rambling….well, on this page anyway. So again, welcome to this little smorgasbord of randomness and I hope wherever you’re at that you’re having an awesome day!
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