Hi! This month I didn't watch too many things so thankfully, this list and my WIBR lists will be blissfully short. A little too short if you ask me, but I digress. This was not one of my better months; whereas March and April were consumed with health issues, May was consumed with personal and family issues. I wasn't in the headspace to do much of anything except put in work and find things that made me laugh. I was also handed a devastating blow when my DVR crapped out, I had to get a new one and lost 5 years of recordings in the process. When I tell you I felt the loss in my soul. I had entire series on that DVR, man. I also had the only TV airing of Hey Arnold! The Jungle Movie on there, which has not re-aired--AT ALL--since last November. So in many ways, this has been a trying and spiritually challenging time for me. LOL Anyway, first world problems aside, let's get to what I was able to watch this month.
Waco: Madman or Messiah?
8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown
Crime Watch Daily
Table for 3
Per usual, we're getting traditional tv out of the way first, which brings me to the royal event of the year. Now up until Friday evening, I had -3 fucks to give about the royal wedding. There was a list of reasons I wasn't on the train like everyone else was, but in short the way I looked at it, this woman found love, was living her best life, and as people in love living their best lives together tend to do, they wanted to get married. I didn't like the fickleness of the media coverage, mainly of Meghan's family, and I just didn't want any part of it. I felt the same when Prince William was getting married a few years ago; the media coverage has never been all that favorable to Duchess Kate and watching the flip-flopping and constant shade throwing at her was annoying. This changed the day of the wedding, when I stayed up to watch it. LOL So I was like, aight I'll stay up. Fell asleep at 2am, wedding coverage started at 3am. I woke up at 9, about 30 minutes after the wedding was over. So that's how that went. LOL I watched the replay Saturday night and it was absolutely beautiful. There are so many little Black girls who, if only for a day, got to see an African-American become royalty (in a way) and it probably inspired a lot of dreams. It was a beautiful ceremony and as a fellow Black girl, it was nice to see all of the beautiful Black references integrated somewhere into the ceremony. I hope these two blaze a trail together. Okay, cheesy rant over.
Waco: Madman or Messiah? recently aired on A&E and I haven't gotten through it yet, but I've been wanting to see it since the first time I'd seen an advertisement for it. I was only about 6 when the events in Waco took place and I don't remember hearing about it around that time, so it drew me in immediately once I learned a bit of what it was about. I think I have two episodes saved on the DVR and I'm not sure if its ongoing or was only a two part series, but so far it's been quite interesting.
Don't clown me for watching Matlock. LOL I grew up watching the show and now reruns air on like 3 channels where before it was only 1, so it's fabulous. Both because I can catch it multiple times throughout the day and also because I can get all the episodes back on the DVR that much faster. lol
Waco: Madman or Messiah? recently aired on A&E and I haven't gotten through it yet, but I've been wanting to see it since the first time I'd seen an advertisement for it. I was only about 6 when the events in Waco took place and I don't remember hearing about it around that time, so it drew me in immediately once I learned a bit of what it was about. I think I have two episodes saved on the DVR and I'm not sure if its ongoing or was only a two part series, but so far it's been quite interesting.
Don't clown me for watching Matlock. LOL I grew up watching the show and now reruns air on like 3 channels where before it was only 1, so it's fabulous. Both because I can catch it multiple times throughout the day and also because I can get all the episodes back on the DVR that much faster. lol
Moving on to the 'nets, one of the shows I really got into at the beginning of the month was 8 Out of 10 Cats, which is a British game show about numbers and letters and it's hilarious. British comics and celebrities form two teams and do different games and challenges, and Jimmy Carr (whose standup special I saw last year--it was hilarious) hosts the show with a healthy amount of shade. It's so different from the saccharine sweet, more boring American game shows and I think that's what I like about it. American humor, especially with the FCC in full effect, is more toned down, more PC and to be honest, kinda boring. British humor is drier, more biting and self-deprecating, which is right up my alley. You can find a bunch of the episodes on YouTube (not including the links, don't wanna alert the networks and dry up a good thing lol) so I'd recommend giving it a go.
Crime Watch Daily is an episode that looks like it airs on tv first, then is broken up into 6-10min mini-episodes for the YouTube channel. Different murder/attempted murder cases are covered by Crime Watch Daily, and since the episodes are uploaded to the channel by the network itself, I don't have to worry about not including the link. lol It gives me my true crime fix without my getting sucked back into the vacuum that is Investigation Discovery.
The final thing I watched a lot of is the WWE Network Original series Table for 3. My favorite show on the Network is Ride Along, but Table for 3 is a very close second. One of my favorite things about wrestling is the stories, both on and off the air. In this show, each episode has a theme and three wrestlers come together over a meal to share experiences, stories and bond with each other. I love hearing the road stories, and with the death of kayfabe I love seeing who's actually friends behind the scenes.