Hi! It's the end of the month already, so you know what time it is. I have a little addition to this month's list, which I'll get back to in a minute. I have to confess, even though this series is titled "What I've Been Watching on Netflix," most of the shows on my list this month are actually on regular tv. LOL I'm such a jackass and I apologize. I stop watching regular tv because I'm always watching Netflix so the TV portion of the site goes untouched for years. I finally figure out that I should mention what I watch on Netflix, then get a couple months into it and get overtaken by regular tv again. I'm gonna get it right one of these days, I promise. lol Anyway, let's get into what I've been watching this month.
Ultimate Beastmaster
The New Frontier
Duck Dynasty
WWE Raw & SmackDown Live
Amy Schumer: The Leather Special
The Most Hated Woman in America
When I first heard that the Joan Crawford/Bette Davis feud was being brought back to life, I internally cringed. I was really worried that the need to bring excitement to the story would cause a lot of fabricated drama that would make the ladies look worse, but so far it's been an awesomely layered story. Jessica Lange and Susan Sarandon have been knocking it out of the park and its been so much fun to watch. I haven't been excited for a show on regular tv in a long time. The rest of the cast isn't made up of slouches either, Alfred Molina and Stanley Tucci being the standouts for me. Kiernan Shipka's doing a fantastic job of making me hate B.D. but her mother's no innocent either, so even though I cannot stand the character, I understand a bit of why she is the way she is. Operative phrase being 'a bit.'
I want to say I've included Ultimate Beastmaster on one of my WIBW lists before, but I can't clearly remember. In case I haven't, this is a challenge show in the vein of Stone Cold's Broken Skull Challenge, with a little American Ninja Warrior thrown in for good measure. This is harder than both of those challenges and the BSC ain't no bitch so that should give you some indication of the difficulty. lol In this show, a total of 12 participants take on the Beast, two apiece from 6 countries (USA, Germany, South Korea, Japan, Mexico and Brazil, I want to say) while two hosts from each country serve as both commentary and moral support. It's a fun show to watch.
If you've watched tv over the past few years, I don't need to tell you about Duck Dynasty. The show is in its final season, so that made me go back to the episodes I have on the DVR and watch the first few seasons. I definitely don't agree with the family's political views, but I do appreciate their commitment to show a good family program that doesn't have hoodrat behavior and cursing through the roof. It's a simple show, it takes me back to a simpler time, and I love Uncle Si. lol
I've said this before, but I've loved wrasslin' all of my life. I'm not quite so happy with the programming and content right now, but they're heading into Wrestlemania and I usually come back for that, so here I am. lol I may leave the crowd for awhile, but I always come back. I don't really know what else to say--if you know me, you know the target of my thirst, and that's a primary reason why I watch Raw. Smackdown is a more solid show as wrestling goes so while I enjoy that more in terms of the actual program, Raw is more entertaining. At times, watching wrestling also helps me calm down when I'm up all night with anxiety, which has been the case as of late (the last 12 years if we're being technical, but who's counting?), and having the Network around to find things to get through the night really helps.
I've never been an Amy Schumer fan. Not because I specifically disliked her, but her style of comedy was never really my thing. No knocks on those who do like her style of comedy; it just wasn't for me. I decided to try again when she released her latest show, which was a collaboration with Netflix called The Leather Special. I wasn't expecting to love it--so I wasn't surprised when I didn't lol--but I was hoping I'd laugh a few times. Other than a few chuckles here and there throughout the special, which were more related to Amy's delivery rather than the meat of the joke, I wouldn't call it laugh out loud funny unless you're already a fan of Schumer's work. I felt this was more for her core crowd, her ride or dies. And there's nothing wrong with that at all. But if you're not already an Amy Schumer fan, I can't see you getting a lot out of it. I don't like knocking a comedian's work as I know a lot of time goes into trying to build a routine for a one-off special. But I just felt like I'd heard many of the jokes before and if they were new jokes, they seemed built off of a tried-and-true schtick that had lost a bit of its sheen. Some of the jokes were new and the delivery of other jokes made it a bit fresher, but overall it just wasn't my butter and jam.
The Most Hated Woman in America told the true story of Madalyn Murray O'Hair, who was one of the first advocates for atheism, primarily through her fight to end the then-mandatory prayer policy in American schools back during the '1960s. She became an outspoken activist for and creator of one of the first prominent atheist organizations. The story is a long, tangled one but in her later years, she was abducted, along with her son and granddaughter, and later found dead at the hands of an ex-felon former employee of O'Hair's organization. She wasn't an innocent granny herself and I think the fact that she wasn't made her story all the more complex. Despite that, nobody deserves to have their life ended the way hers did and it's a sad end to an otherwise courageous story. This was a completely new story to me and while I didn't agree with many of O'Hair's views, I did respect her gumption.
I thought I'd add a new section into my WIBW posts and it's a little funny to me that I hadn't considered including it until now. I talk about my borderline obsession with watching YouTube all the time, but when I talk about what I've been watching throughout the month I never mention it. There are months when I don't watch a lot of new things on Netflix or tv, but its usually because I've been watching more YouTube than anything else. So I thought I'd include a couple of the channels I watched a lot during the month, in case any of them are up your alley. This month was a little dry, I'll have some more up next month.
UNHhhh with Trixie Mattel and Katya Zamolodchikova
I've been watching YouTube for a few years now and Tati periodically came up in my recommended feed, but she wasn't quite my style at the time so I didn't watch her regularly. I will say though that I trusted her opinion on brands and the like, despite not being a regular viewer of her content. Tati's approach to establishing a schedule of consistent but relevant and fun content has been agreeing with me lately. I go through phases where I prefer certain beauty gurus over others, but right now I prefer to watch Tati's videos.
When I tell you that I love drag queens, I LOVE drag queens. I know liking drag queens is 'in' now because RPDR is going mainstream, but I actually don't watch Drag Race. The only season I watched was season 7 and that was because I was a fan of Miss Fame from her YouTube channel. That brings me to UNHhhh, which is hosted by two other fan favorites of season 7, the hilarious duo known as Trixya. I don't really remember Trixie's time on the show, but I remember liking Katya and finding her really unique. Then the two joined forces for this show and it is some of the kookiest, off-kilter commentary I've seen in awhile. Each week is about a different topic and from what I can see, that's the only direction they get and the rest of the episode is them, unfiltered, playing off of each other. The editing is also a hoot.
Pick of the Month: Feud, The Most Hated Woman in America
Throwaway Pick: Duck Dynasty
Pick of the Month: Feud, The Most Hated Woman in America
Throwaway Pick: Duck Dynasty