Sunday, January 22, 2012

Series or Season Premieres?

I'm still debating whether I should cover only season premieres, only series premieres, or a mix of both. Midseason and awards season are both in full swing, so there will be no shortage of television to cover; the list I'm compiling for this week's premieres alone is well in the double digits of shows premiering on various channels. By the way that is one of the upcoming changes. In the off-chance that someone besides me is actually reading this blog (lol) every week I will try to release a list of the shows premiering within that week as well as times and channels. I'm not familiar with the channel #s for Comcast, but Dish, DirectTV and Time Warner shouldn't be hard to find. That way, you can respond with your comments on the premiere or my assessment of it once I post my review. Besides that, for the most part tv shucks these days. Either we'll find something to make fun of or something that we actually like, and who can beat those odds? Unless the show is that terrible, in which case we wasted an hour we won't get back. However, let's hope that doesn't happen right away. lol

For the most part, the shows premiering are either shows I'm already not interested in or shows I haven't heard of, so either way this'll be a new experience for me. For season premieres of shows I haven't seen though, they may not all be as easy for me to write as the season premieres I saw of the BET shows. I may end up giving a show a bad review because I didn't understand when it could have been simply because I caught the show too late in to understand the backstory. That's why the idea of doing series premieres appealed to me more; I want to give fair reviews on all the shows I comment on. However, I do believe I gave a fair review to both BET shows because what I saw wasn't enough to get me interested enough in the characters or the storyline, and that had nothing to do with me coming into the show too late. It wasn't anything I couldn't figure out on my own and I still wasn't interested. I even did some research on the show to find out the backstory on the characters and still wasn't interested. lol I wasn't bashing the shows or anything, they just weren't for me and I made that clear.

I'm trying to access Wikipedia now to see if I can get a list of series premiering this year so I can start putting together the weekly lists. I think if any of the shows are ending this year I might start putting together series and season finale date lists as well.

In short, this site is a work in progress. Patience is definitely encouraged!

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