In the midst of all the other supernaturally-themed trends going on right now (superheroes, werewolves, vampires, zombies--although I guess that's not exactly supernatural but whatever) this show kinda snuck in the back door and I appreciate that it didn't go the route of the categories I listed above. As the vampire craze (which my sister and I were full-heartedly on board with--hello fellow Twihards!!) finally begins to die down and the zombie craze has taken its place (Walking Dead, although too gory for my taste, is the shiz) it was actually pretty nice to see a show that had none of those things. The main characters are below, and I had to include those promo pics because they're freakin' stunning.

Bitchy Review:
I really like this show. As I said earlier, supernaturally themed shows have always had a bit of a place in tv and movies but within the past few years it has really been kicked up a notch, especially in the vampire-zombie-wolf realms. A show about witches hasn't been around since Charmed, which is still on my favorites list today, some 7 years after its finale. People who aren't really aware of the premise of this show tend to compare it to Charmed and while I can see some of the similarities, ultimately Witches of East End is its own show and makes its own impact. The differences between East End and Charmed are very significant in the fact that 1-it's not just about demons; 2-East End's plot and storylines are a little more complex to me, 3-East End is fictional I believe while Charmed is set in the very real city of San Fran, and 4-the Charmed Ones had to stay alive because they were fully mortal, while the East End witches are cursed with a sort of immortality, but this in itself provides a different layer to the drama of the show.
While the Charmed Ones had an ultimate destiny of protecting mankind and the good in the world, we have yet to see what fate has in store for the East End Witches. The acting by all involved is very solid; I have no complaints with any of the casting which is a rarity for me. The imagery is amazeballs, and the plot has a few smaller storylines that ultimately weave themselves into the overall plot, creating something that is new, fresh and very layered. As this first season comes to a close, not only do I find myself wishing that Lifetime had ordered more than 10 initial episodes, but I'm already anticipating season two. I feel like we're just scratching the surface of everything there is to know about these four ladies and the people surrounding them. I don't see recycled plotlines from other shows, I don't see an overwhelming amount of campyness(sp? idk lol) which is refreshing especially considering this is a show about witches, and I don't see becoming bored with where the various storylines are going. There's too much I don't know yet, and I'm interested in finding out about all of it. If I had to come up with any complaints, I guess I would say that we haven't yet seen more of the girls' previous lives, we haven't seen a little more magic involved, and sometimes an episode can move really slowly. I guess the latter is a good thing though because when the shockers do come up it's like boom!-boom!-boom! LOL Don't judge me, that's the only way I could think of to describe it.
Other complaints that I have are more character-related....and mostly involving Ingrid or Joanna being uptight lmao....but these are character flaws that hopefully they will work through as we see the show continue. I can say that the stubbornness in these characters is annoying because it is the reason for a lot of the drama on the show because they make things more complicated than they probably should be, but what's a dramatic show without bad decisions, right? In short (you know, other than this novel I just wrote LOL), this show has a lot to offer. It has a lot of layers, all of which have intrigue and are worth exploring, and the actors chosen to carry this out do so with a layer of reality to it to make it believable. I love that this show is carried by women and that even the main villain is a woman and they are all strong enough to carry the weight of this show without resorting to catfights and other foolishness. They cry but they're not weepy women and I appreciate that. I enjoy the actual interactions between characters because it's refreshingly real, with real issues that don't always concern magic or witchcraft and that's also great to see. I hate when supernatural shows forget about human interaction and human problems in lieu of magical problems and situations. I think this show is a good balance; I would actually prefer a little more magic. lol But if you want a break from the other types of shows out today, you want something exciting and sexy to watch on Sundays and are still reading this review (LOL) then I strongly suggest you check out Witches of East End.
Bitchy Rating:
5 out of 5!
This show comes on Lifetime on Sundays at 10pmEST, 7PST but if you want to catch up on the rest of the season before the newest episode on Sunday, you'd better hurry up because there's only one episode left before the season finale! The only place you can find it is on Hulu Plus but it's web-only so no mobile or console watching for this show! I found this out the hard way....twice. I forgot the first time. lol
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