Hi! So as promised back in my Hello, Summer. post, here is one of the music-related posts I was talking about. As I mentioned, I went back to the radio to find some new songs to listen to this summer but haven't had too much luck. As a result I've been listening to a lot of throwback music, which gave me the idea for this post. It was a lot of fun to create and gave me probably the most random playlist I've ever had.
So what is the Throwback Summer Soundtrack? While I was going through my music collection back when I was doing my spring cleaning, I found so many songs that took me back to various times in my life. Like many people, music is like a vocal snapshot of sorts for things I went through, emotions I was feeling, a time period of my life. I can listen to certain songs and they immediately remind me of a smell, a particular day, or an overall feeling towards something going on at the time. I was already going to put together a throwback playlist of songs from the '90s so I could listen to that for the summer, but then I thought, what would a playlist look like if it revisited a larger chunk of time? So I blocked out 10-12 years and for each year, I'd have to come up with a song that represented that summer for me. It's interesting to go back through the playlist then and reminisce about where you were for each year you chose. So what does my playlist look like?
So what is the Throwback Summer Soundtrack? While I was going through my music collection back when I was doing my spring cleaning, I found so many songs that took me back to various times in my life. Like many people, music is like a vocal snapshot of sorts for things I went through, emotions I was feeling, a time period of my life. I can listen to certain songs and they immediately remind me of a smell, a particular day, or an overall feeling towards something going on at the time. I was already going to put together a throwback playlist of songs from the '90s so I could listen to that for the summer, but then I thought, what would a playlist look like if it revisited a larger chunk of time? So I blocked out 10-12 years and for each year, I'd have to come up with a song that represented that summer for me. It's interesting to go back through the playlist then and reminisce about where you were for each year you chose. So what does my playlist look like?
Here's my list. If you just want to check out the playlist, then my time with you stops here. lol If you want to hear a bit about where I was or why I chose the song, then you'll be here for awhile because you know I talk a lot. So with that being said, I chose the years 2002-2015 to go back through, which would sound like a long time period to choose but I needed the songs. 😄 So I'm sorry. Let's get to it.
(2002) Summer before sophomore year
1. Points of Authority--Linkin Park
This entire album was a large part of what defined my freshman year of high school. If I were to ask my friends or classmates what Linkin Park song they'd use to define their freshman year, they'd probably say Crawling or In the End (and I would have agreed, at one time) but I much preferred PoA over the others. I was angry (but not super angry), rebellious (but only in my mind--I'm a firstborn, overachieving people pleaser and giving into that rebellion would have stained my nearly flawless record LOL--so as a result, rebellion was limited to my mind), and like any other angry, emotional teen I gravitated to music that I could identify with. I couldn't scream, rail against the system and be as vocal with what I was going through--which in retrospect, was a healthy combo of teen bullshit and heavier shit at home--and I identified with the anger I heard in the tone of the lyrics. This album was on repeat for a good year and a half after I got it so now it's one of those records that, no matter what track I play, immediately takes me back to my 14-15 year old self.
2. Control--Puddle of Mudd
Puddle of Mudd debuted shortly before my freshman year was over, and while I loved Blurry, Control was my shit. I would wait...and wait...and wait for the local rock station to play it so I could get it recorded on tape (Yes, I'm that old). While they played Blurry with some regularity, Control was a rarity, which drove me insane. I'd have to wait hours, sometimes even days, to hear it again because at this time, most of the radio stations still had a basic understanding that in order to keep the audience, you've gotta keep 'em waiting for the really dank shit. They didn't wear out every popular song. It was a little harder for me to wait because I was hardly home and when I did catch it I either wasn't able to record it or I caught it halfway through, so this annoyance very quickly became infuriating. Then I bought that blessed blank cassette tape and waited. LOL
Now during this summer, my angst had switched from just life and boys to one single boy. I'd had my first high school crush, and he was about as disinterested in me as...well, as men are now, really. Anyway, he really became off-limits after dating my best friend and sleeping with her during this exact summer (the former--and the latter, by default--was partially my own fault; I was friends with them separately and after they both expressed interest in the other to me, I hooked them up...which led to them knockin' boots) and since I'd never told anyone how I felt about him, I just bottled it up and suffered in silence. He's actually the one who showed me Blurry, so when I listen to it I remember all those hormonal feelings of baby heartbreak.
Control, however, had a grittier, angrier sound and I preferred that. I think it represented the phase I'd gone through afterward, which was an immense amount of self-directed bitterness. On a petty note, it was also a dumb rebellion in my eyes because I wasn't listening to the song he showed me, I found this one all on my own so he could shove it. LOL Idiot. smh This is another song that immediately takes me back. I enjoy the song on its own though, so thankfully I can still listen to it without feeling some kinda way.
Now during this summer, my angst had switched from just life and boys to one single boy. I'd had my first high school crush, and he was about as disinterested in me as...well, as men are now, really. Anyway, he really became off-limits after dating my best friend and sleeping with her during this exact summer (the former--and the latter, by default--was partially my own fault; I was friends with them separately and after they both expressed interest in the other to me, I hooked them up...which led to them knockin' boots) and since I'd never told anyone how I felt about him, I just bottled it up and suffered in silence. He's actually the one who showed me Blurry, so when I listen to it I remember all those hormonal feelings of baby heartbreak.
Control, however, had a grittier, angrier sound and I preferred that. I think it represented the phase I'd gone through afterward, which was an immense amount of self-directed bitterness. On a petty note, it was also a dumb rebellion in my eyes because I wasn't listening to the song he showed me, I found this one all on my own so he could shove it. LOL Idiot. smh This is another song that immediately takes me back. I enjoy the song on its own though, so thankfully I can still listen to it without feeling some kinda way.
3. 21 Questions--50 Cent
3. 21 Questions--50 Cent
This summer always makes me laugh, especially in contrast to both the summer that preceded it and the one that will follow, because the song choices--and where I was--are so drastically different. I wasn't the angry, rejected bum from the previous summer. Now, I was in loooove! lol At this time, I was a couple of months into my very first relationship and the feels were so intense I thought I was going to burst. During a very steamy evening spent necking (Necking. What am I, 60? We were making out) on my couch and watching MTV, this song called 21 Questions came on and we immediately felt that was our love song to each other. It makes me giggle now, but at the time we thought we were so deep with our love. Nobody else in our circle had their own song. But we did, so we were better. 😂😂
Lemme tell you, I Dos Equis'd the fuck outta myself with that relationship because while I call myself names self-deprecatingly, I do think that generally speaking, I'm an intelligent gal. I'm not always stupid. However, when I am stupid, BOI am I fucking stupid, you don't even know. Anyway, I went to the public library and printed out the lyrics from this spiffy new thing we'd gotten called the Internet so we could put them in our little couples' notebook. I even stole some construction paper from my child development class so I could pretty it up with hearts and cutesy stuff. LOL Jesus H. Christ. In retrospect, it was adorably pathetic. But can I listen to the song today? Nah. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It would be remiss of me not to include it though, so here it is.
Lemme tell you, I Dos Equis'd the fuck outta myself with that relationship because while I call myself names self-deprecatingly, I do think that generally speaking, I'm an intelligent gal. I'm not always stupid. However, when I am stupid, BOI am I fucking stupid, you don't even know. Anyway, I went to the public library and printed out the lyrics from this spiffy new thing we'd gotten called the Internet so we could put them in our little couples' notebook. I even stole some construction paper from my child development class so I could pretty it up with hearts and cutesy stuff. LOL Jesus H. Christ. In retrospect, it was adorably pathetic. But can I listen to the song today? Nah. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It would be remiss of me not to include it though, so here it is.
4. Nolia Clap--Juvenile
I remember this summer vividly. My life had snowballed out of control and this is when I was starting to recover from it. In about two months' time, I'd lost my boyfriend, most of my friends, my identity (such as it was back then), and nearly lost both my family and my life, all for loosely connected reasons. I was going through a lot, which would probably require its own post if I were to ever go into detail about it. But on the flip side, I was getting ready to start my senior year, I got my first real job so I could put money away for all of my graduation costs, and because of the events that previous spring I was free to just enjoy my final year of school. A more reckless, independent side of me came out in full force during this summer. I was already a bit of a party animal but this time of my life primarily saw me at two places--work or the club, both on the weekends. My friends and I created a system for the nights I had to work before we went out, and we got pretty damn efficient at executing it so that I could still party. Going dancing was my escape from life, so I escaped as often as I could during this summer.
(2005) Summer after senior year
5. Summer Wit Miami--Jim Jones ft. Trey Songz
✋Listen. I'd just turned 18, graduated from high school on time with no kids or debt (yet) and was headed to university 45 minutes away from home. I'd made some superficial upgrades to my appearance which helped loads with my confidence, realized that my body was looking right, discovered Myspace LOL and learned that there were benefits to being 18 and single. In short, my life was falling into all the right places and you couldn't tell me shit. West Texas is a far stretch from Miami, but some of the lyrics in the song resonated with my entire group at this time so it stayed in our pre-club playlist. When I hear this song now, it always takes me back to that first summer of actual adult freedom. And it was fucking glorious.
6. Destiny--Zero 7
As you'll soon realize is the custom with this playlist, every summer my life is drastically different from the one before and after it. The previous winter had killed off quite a few things in my life, so the overwhelming theme for the following spring and this summer was change, and lots of it. None of the plans I'd created the previous summer had come to fruition. My college plans fell through because of continued mix-ups with my paperwork, forcing me to withdraw my enrollment, and this was discouraging by itself but anxiety put a deeper dent in all of my plans. This time, she presented herself as agoraphobia, which I hadn't experienced, and this threw me for a loop.
This was part of the reason why my friends and I started to drift apart; boredom with the club scene had already pulled me away from partying but having anxiety attacks every time we went anywhere became a factor and as a result, my friends eventually just stopped calling. A hastily planned move to an unfamiliar area for safety reasons happened around the same time and as a result, this summer found me quite stressed and disillusioned. I found this song and it was this quiet, sad ballad of love, which I understood. I wasn't heartbroken anymore, but I was lonely, overly anxious and depressed. I couldn't really do anything for awhile, so I drowned myself in whatever I could--tv, the 'Net, books and music.
7. Gimme More--Britney Spears
There's really no other reason I included this song other than the fact that I liked it. lol I think I'd always been a closet Britney fan, but I wanna say this was the first song she came out with following her breakdown and a part of me was like, "Hell yeah, you do that shit!" because I thought I'd understood what she was going through (I didn't, but I would soon learn lol) and was glad she was trying to rebuild her life. I related to that. Also, this was just a fun song and I needed more of that in my life.
8. Kiss Kiss--Chris Brown
Again, I have no reason for including this song other than that I just liked it. I would also like to note that this is the only Chris Brown song on this playlist. lol
My anxiety relapsed in April of 2008, which was the catalyst to me starting my now-closed blog based on my daily ins and outs of living with various anxiety disorders. I often felt like I was on the verge of losing my mind and if I'd continued on the path I was heading down, I would have lost my life as well. This was a horrible time for me, so listening to music was the absolute last thing on my mind.
9. The Storm Is Over Now--Kirk Franklin
If you're unfamiliar with Black gospel music, then the name Kirk Franklin probably won't ring any bells. Sandwiched between hip-hop and RnB songs is a gospel song. Super random, huh? lol This song was directly related to my relapse the previous year, which I'd started to emerge from, and I'd recently found a support system in some of the members of my mom's church. The worst of my relapse had passed, but the only two places I felt safe and relatively anxiety-free were at home and church, so I divided my time between the two. Nighttime was the worst for my anxiety, so I'd listen to gospel music because it was soothing to me. This song came on one particularly rough night and it immediately moved me to tears. My anxiety attack went away, and I was calm for the remainder of the night. I don't know exactly how to describe the feeling that came over me but I felt comforted, like I wasn't going through it alone anymore. It couldn't have come on at a more perfect time. From then on out, if I was awake at night panicking and this song came on, I felt better afterward. I've since fallen out with that church and most gospel music has lost that note of resonance with me, but this song will always be special because of how it helped me.
10. Unthinkable--Alicia Keys ft. Drake
Yet again, things have changed quite a bit. In winter 2008 I joined a virtual reality site, mostly because I was isolated and starving for some kind of contact with other people, but it ended up being so much more significant to the direction of my life. I explained that to say that I met someone on that site way back then, but our paths were only loosely connected until this summer, when they finally crossed. This person will dominate my next couple of music choices, so consider yourself warned. At this point, I was getting some closure from a previous relationship while he was realizing that his relationship had come to an end, a conclusion that ironically, I'd be making about him a couple of years later. We were only acquaintances during this summer so it was nothing romantic, but I remember this song sticking out to me the first time I'd heard it and thinking it was just because I liked it. A few months later, shortly after summer ended, the song took on new resonance because we fell in love. Falling in love with someone across the country, who you've never met, who was fresh out of a relationship was an illogical, unthinkable thing to do on several levels, hence this song. The entire thing smells like disaster waiting to happen, doesn't it? And it was. lol
11. Fall For Your Type--Jamie Foxx ft. Drake
This isn't exactly a summer song and I'd actually found this the prior winter, but I recall still wearing the everliving shit out of it this summer. It didn't help at all that for me, this was a definitive song for the relationship I was in at the time, and during this period we were going through what I later dubbed "The Summer of Hell." Judging by the song I chose for this year, you may have assumed that there was a lot of crying being done. You'd be right.
12. All I Want Is You--Miguel ft. J. Cole
At this time, my relationship had taken a very sharp turn left and downhill simultaneously, and I knew definitively by this summer that it was failing but was trying my hardest to hang on. I didn't want the relationship to be over, I just wanted my partner back. I found this song and again, it spoke to me. It, in both the title and some of the lyrics, was a literal expression of my feelings, and the beat, which sounds raw and a bit gritty to me, was a reflection of how I felt inside. So I have a tiny flair for the dramatic with my descriptions. lol
13. Diced Pineapples--Wale ft. Drake/Rick Ross
I wouldn't say I was healed completely from my breakup by this time, but the season in my life had totally changed (no pun intended). Something had shifted in me on a number of levels between the previous year and this one, and I felt like by this time, I was looking at the world through a different person's eyes. Life was drastically different for me this year, but it wasn't entirely bad. Maybe this isn't the greatest song to define my summer as it's literally about sex and a maybe unhealthy relationship lol, but eh. It's usually the song that comes to mind first. I was seeing someone new at this time, and those two things unfortunately were foundations of our situationship. Oh well. It was still fun. Also, my friend's husband (who is a mutual friend of ours and actually the person who introduced me to this guy) does a hilarious Rick Ross impression and he got me and dude doing it too, so this song always makes me giggle a bit.
14. Adorn--Miguel
Adorn was another song I listened to on repeat. It was much lighter than the songs I'd been listening to but still had that RnB sound I was looking for. When I think of this song, I think of the happiness and newness surrounding my life at this time. My relationship had shown me that I was a woman, but this new chapter had shown me that I was an adult as well. To the normal person those two things would both be obvious and synonymous with each other, but they weren't to me because of how much time and milestones I missed due to my anxiety. I wasn't used to making decisions as a grown woman; most of my decisions required me to think from the viewpoint of financial head of house, or caregiver, older sister, or girlfriend, but I'd always been too sick (or there was no opportunity) to think for just myself. I got a taste of that during this chapter, which helped me validate why I'd left my previous relationship. I finally got to experience life for a little while as an independent adult, and this was a significant change for me. Even the mundane things, like sleeping over at dude's house, going to the grocery store to get dinner for 2 instead of 6, taking day trips, seeing new places, had this extra spark to them because I'd never gotten to do them before. I would be here all day if I explained exactly how it felt, but this song always reminds me of that time.
15. Chocolate--DWNTWN
I first heard about this song while I was watching a CutiePieMarzia video on YouTube (she just goes by Marzia now) and the minute I heard it, I fell in love with it and the band. It's actually a cover of the song Chocolate by The 1975, but I have to admit that I prefer the cover version to the original. Chocolate is a light, breathy song that represents everything I would have never listened to 3 years prior, but it's exactly why I chose it for this summer. There were so many shifts going on in my life at this time, from who I surrounded myself with to what I was doing with my life to the music I was listening to, and this song always reminds me of that summer of change. It seems that summer is always the catalyst for change in my life, huh? It always reflects the changes that took place in the three other seasons. I hadn't realized that until I was putting this playlist together.
16. Lean On--Major Lazer ft DJ Snake
I still love this song. It has this contagious beat that never fails to put me in a better mood, which is obviously everything I'm here for during the summer. Like I said, this was another summer of change and I really needed something to put me in that season's frame of mind. This song always encouraged me to get out and enjoy my day, to go get into those vibes. lol
17. Cool for the Summer--Demi Lovato
I wanna say this was a theme song WWE used for a Summerslam PPV and that was where I'd first heard the song. This was my first completely man-free summer in 5 years, which felt amazing. lol I'd tried a new experiment with my sister that year called #SisterSummer, which was supposed to be about us tackling our summer bucket lists together. It didn't go how I'd planned, but it was a fun concept and this song reminds me of that.
(2005) Summer after senior year
5. Summer Wit Miami--Jim Jones ft. Trey Songz
✋Listen. I'd just turned 18, graduated from high school on time with no kids or debt (yet) and was headed to university 45 minutes away from home. I'd made some superficial upgrades to my appearance which helped loads with my confidence, realized that my body was looking right, discovered Myspace LOL and learned that there were benefits to being 18 and single. In short, my life was falling into all the right places and you couldn't tell me shit. West Texas is a far stretch from Miami, but some of the lyrics in the song resonated with my entire group at this time so it stayed in our pre-club playlist. When I hear this song now, it always takes me back to that first summer of actual adult freedom. And it was fucking glorious.
6. Destiny--Zero 7
As you'll soon realize is the custom with this playlist, every summer my life is drastically different from the one before and after it. The previous winter had killed off quite a few things in my life, so the overwhelming theme for the following spring and this summer was change, and lots of it. None of the plans I'd created the previous summer had come to fruition. My college plans fell through because of continued mix-ups with my paperwork, forcing me to withdraw my enrollment, and this was discouraging by itself but anxiety put a deeper dent in all of my plans. This time, she presented herself as agoraphobia, which I hadn't experienced, and this threw me for a loop.
This was part of the reason why my friends and I started to drift apart; boredom with the club scene had already pulled me away from partying but having anxiety attacks every time we went anywhere became a factor and as a result, my friends eventually just stopped calling. A hastily planned move to an unfamiliar area for safety reasons happened around the same time and as a result, this summer found me quite stressed and disillusioned. I found this song and it was this quiet, sad ballad of love, which I understood. I wasn't heartbroken anymore, but I was lonely, overly anxious and depressed. I couldn't really do anything for awhile, so I drowned myself in whatever I could--tv, the 'Net, books and music.
7. Gimme More--Britney Spears
There's really no other reason I included this song other than the fact that I liked it. lol I think I'd always been a closet Britney fan, but I wanna say this was the first song she came out with following her breakdown and a part of me was like, "Hell yeah, you do that shit!" because I thought I'd understood what she was going through (I didn't, but I would soon learn lol) and was glad she was trying to rebuild her life. I related to that. Also, this was just a fun song and I needed more of that in my life.
8. Kiss Kiss--Chris Brown
Again, I have no reason for including this song other than that I just liked it. I would also like to note that this is the only Chris Brown song on this playlist. lol
My anxiety relapsed in April of 2008, which was the catalyst to me starting my now-closed blog based on my daily ins and outs of living with various anxiety disorders. I often felt like I was on the verge of losing my mind and if I'd continued on the path I was heading down, I would have lost my life as well. This was a horrible time for me, so listening to music was the absolute last thing on my mind.
9. The Storm Is Over Now--Kirk Franklin
If you're unfamiliar with Black gospel music, then the name Kirk Franklin probably won't ring any bells. Sandwiched between hip-hop and RnB songs is a gospel song. Super random, huh? lol This song was directly related to my relapse the previous year, which I'd started to emerge from, and I'd recently found a support system in some of the members of my mom's church. The worst of my relapse had passed, but the only two places I felt safe and relatively anxiety-free were at home and church, so I divided my time between the two. Nighttime was the worst for my anxiety, so I'd listen to gospel music because it was soothing to me. This song came on one particularly rough night and it immediately moved me to tears. My anxiety attack went away, and I was calm for the remainder of the night. I don't know exactly how to describe the feeling that came over me but I felt comforted, like I wasn't going through it alone anymore. It couldn't have come on at a more perfect time. From then on out, if I was awake at night panicking and this song came on, I felt better afterward. I've since fallen out with that church and most gospel music has lost that note of resonance with me, but this song will always be special because of how it helped me.
10. Unthinkable--Alicia Keys ft. Drake
Yet again, things have changed quite a bit. In winter 2008 I joined a virtual reality site, mostly because I was isolated and starving for some kind of contact with other people, but it ended up being so much more significant to the direction of my life. I explained that to say that I met someone on that site way back then, but our paths were only loosely connected until this summer, when they finally crossed. This person will dominate my next couple of music choices, so consider yourself warned. At this point, I was getting some closure from a previous relationship while he was realizing that his relationship had come to an end, a conclusion that ironically, I'd be making about him a couple of years later. We were only acquaintances during this summer so it was nothing romantic, but I remember this song sticking out to me the first time I'd heard it and thinking it was just because I liked it. A few months later, shortly after summer ended, the song took on new resonance because we fell in love. Falling in love with someone across the country, who you've never met, who was fresh out of a relationship was an illogical, unthinkable thing to do on several levels, hence this song. The entire thing smells like disaster waiting to happen, doesn't it? And it was. lol
11. Fall For Your Type--Jamie Foxx ft. Drake
This isn't exactly a summer song and I'd actually found this the prior winter, but I recall still wearing the everliving shit out of it this summer. It didn't help at all that for me, this was a definitive song for the relationship I was in at the time, and during this period we were going through what I later dubbed "The Summer of Hell." Judging by the song I chose for this year, you may have assumed that there was a lot of crying being done. You'd be right.
12. All I Want Is You--Miguel ft. J. Cole
At this time, my relationship had taken a very sharp turn left and downhill simultaneously, and I knew definitively by this summer that it was failing but was trying my hardest to hang on. I didn't want the relationship to be over, I just wanted my partner back. I found this song and again, it spoke to me. It, in both the title and some of the lyrics, was a literal expression of my feelings, and the beat, which sounds raw and a bit gritty to me, was a reflection of how I felt inside. So I have a tiny flair for the dramatic with my descriptions. lol
13. Diced Pineapples--Wale ft. Drake/Rick Ross
I wouldn't say I was healed completely from my breakup by this time, but the season in my life had totally changed (no pun intended). Something had shifted in me on a number of levels between the previous year and this one, and I felt like by this time, I was looking at the world through a different person's eyes. Life was drastically different for me this year, but it wasn't entirely bad. Maybe this isn't the greatest song to define my summer as it's literally about sex and a maybe unhealthy relationship lol, but eh. It's usually the song that comes to mind first. I was seeing someone new at this time, and those two things unfortunately were foundations of our situationship. Oh well. It was still fun. Also, my friend's husband (who is a mutual friend of ours and actually the person who introduced me to this guy) does a hilarious Rick Ross impression and he got me and dude doing it too, so this song always makes me giggle a bit.
14. Adorn--Miguel
Adorn was another song I listened to on repeat. It was much lighter than the songs I'd been listening to but still had that RnB sound I was looking for. When I think of this song, I think of the happiness and newness surrounding my life at this time. My relationship had shown me that I was a woman, but this new chapter had shown me that I was an adult as well. To the normal person those two things would both be obvious and synonymous with each other, but they weren't to me because of how much time and milestones I missed due to my anxiety. I wasn't used to making decisions as a grown woman; most of my decisions required me to think from the viewpoint of financial head of house, or caregiver, older sister, or girlfriend, but I'd always been too sick (or there was no opportunity) to think for just myself. I got a taste of that during this chapter, which helped me validate why I'd left my previous relationship. I finally got to experience life for a little while as an independent adult, and this was a significant change for me. Even the mundane things, like sleeping over at dude's house, going to the grocery store to get dinner for 2 instead of 6, taking day trips, seeing new places, had this extra spark to them because I'd never gotten to do them before. I would be here all day if I explained exactly how it felt, but this song always reminds me of that time.
15. Chocolate--DWNTWN
I first heard about this song while I was watching a CutiePieMarzia video on YouTube (she just goes by Marzia now) and the minute I heard it, I fell in love with it and the band. It's actually a cover of the song Chocolate by The 1975, but I have to admit that I prefer the cover version to the original. Chocolate is a light, breathy song that represents everything I would have never listened to 3 years prior, but it's exactly why I chose it for this summer. There were so many shifts going on in my life at this time, from who I surrounded myself with to what I was doing with my life to the music I was listening to, and this song always reminds me of that summer of change. It seems that summer is always the catalyst for change in my life, huh? It always reflects the changes that took place in the three other seasons. I hadn't realized that until I was putting this playlist together.
16. Lean On--Major Lazer ft DJ Snake
I still love this song. It has this contagious beat that never fails to put me in a better mood, which is obviously everything I'm here for during the summer. Like I said, this was another summer of change and I really needed something to put me in that season's frame of mind. This song always encouraged me to get out and enjoy my day, to go get into those vibes. lol
17. Cool for the Summer--Demi Lovato
I wanna say this was a theme song WWE used for a Summerslam PPV and that was where I'd first heard the song. This was my first completely man-free summer in 5 years, which felt amazing. lol I'd tried a new experiment with my sister that year called #SisterSummer, which was supposed to be about us tackling our summer bucket lists together. It didn't go how I'd planned, but it was a fun concept and this song reminds me of that.
If you made it this far, I love you. It's kinda mind-blowing when you think back on how much your life changes year by year, isn't it? I think this type of topic has the potential to open up all kinds of dialogue with the people in your life and helps you to get to know them better. It could segue so many ways--how in one year, two people can be in totally different life positions in general, how the same song can make people feel completely opposite emotions (for example, while the song Unthinkable had special meaning to me, my ex hated the song because it came at the tail end of his previous relationship and reminded him of that) or how people would describe times in their lives with different genres. Point is, I think this post can create such a fun conversation and I hope that's what it does for you.
But I've yammered for long enough. And would you know this is the condensed version of this post?? I've gone back through and trimmed it several times to try and shorten it and will probably do so one more time before I publish it. So again, I'm sorry you were here so long. What's your Throwback Summer Soundtrack look like? Let me take a peek at it in the comments. If you'd like to explain them, go right ahead, but even if you don't, put together your own playlist and post it below; I'd love to see. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you soon!
But I've yammered for long enough. And would you know this is the condensed version of this post?? I've gone back through and trimmed it several times to try and shorten it and will probably do so one more time before I publish it. So again, I'm sorry you were here so long. What's your Throwback Summer Soundtrack look like? Let me take a peek at it in the comments. If you'd like to explain them, go right ahead, but even if you don't, put together your own playlist and post it below; I'd love to see. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you soon!

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