Thursday, December 20, 2012

Moment of Silence...

Tomorrow, Dec. 21 has been named as a National Day of Mourning in Connecticut due to the tragic elementary school shooting that took place there last week. A petition is going around on Causes that I would appreciate that you sign, tomorrow at 9:30am EST a National Moment of Silence will be observed for the victims of the shooting. For about 5 minutes, cease all online activity, leave your phones alone, if you pray then pray, if you don't then meditate--but either way make your effort known to observe this moment of silence with us and help it grow. So at 7:30am MST tomorrow morning, I will be turning off my computer, phone and tv and using that time to pray and reflect. Please send out some prayers to those still in school; we've had a lot of copycat threats across the country and one of my city's local school districts has already decided to release the kids early just in case. This is not the type of world that I want my children to grow up in and the fact that it just keeps getting worse is unbelievably scary. It makes me wish I'd stayed in the bubble, honestly. I don't regret getting better but I'm afraid to just go outside sometimes because I don't know what craziness is awaiting me; what idiot wants to get on the 5 o'clock news for doing something tragic to people. If I'm afraid to live in this world, I'm definitely afraid to bring my children into it. But for the innocent little hearts, bodies and souls that are already here, let's be strong for them. For the innocent little bodies that had to be laid to rest this week and the next and for those who died protecting them, please join me in taking a few minutes out of our day and being silent.

((I tried to include the badge here but the coding won't show the image but when you go to the Cause page you'll be able to get one of your own))

Sign the Cause here. The page that the link will take you to is a page with three Causes on it; the first is to sign your consent to take part in the Moment of Silence tomorrow morning, the second is to sign the Sandy Hook Sympathy Card, and the final one is a petition to Pres. Obama to adapt a better gun safety plan for the country. I don't care how many of them you sign but please add your name to at least one of them, if you haven't already. You can also click on the badge above this paragraph to go to the Cause directly and get one of these for your own social media pages. There's been so much bad in the world, folks, let's do something good.

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