Saturday, February 1, 2014

Quick Update & February Photo Challenge

So the first month of 2014 is already over; didn't it go by fast? I feel like last week we were just getting over the craziness of the holidays and here it is, almost Valentine's already. But anywhoodle, with the entry of a new month comes the intro of this month's photo challenge. If you happened to click on my Instagram at any point last month, then you already know that I failed January's challenge miserably. LOL Before Day 10, I was down for the count. I never recovered. lol

As much as I love taking photos, the thing for me is that I'm not used to taking photos on a daily basis. I'm from the pre-social media extravaganza, where if you weren't there to experience something then that was your loss because people weren't scrambling trying to take pictures of it, so I'll forget to take a picture. I think it also has something to do with the fact that I'm a boring little old lady, so many times there simply hasn't been anything interesting enough for me to want to photograph. I grew out of my attention-seeking years where I felt the need to share everything years ago, so it's hard to let people in my life and what I see on a daily basis. On the occasions that I do take photos, most of the time they stay in my personal collection. I don't want to see everyone's photos of everything in their life, so it would stand to reason that people don't want or need to see every photographed occurrence in my life either. I'm cool with that because I don't want to show it. LOL. And on other occasions, I just don't feel like dragging a camera with me everywhere, hoping for something good enough to capture on my phone or camera. It's annoying, the process doesn't let you just enjoy and immerse yourself in the moment, and meh. Miss me with all that. Long story short though, this challenge has been a lot harder for me than I originally anticipated that it would be. Then I forgot my password to Instagram and couldn't log on for the last two weeks thanks to my no-good Internet not letting me reset it (update on the net, I went back to AT&T yesterday, so hopefully all the 'Net problems of old are behind me...yay!) so in addition to figuring out the many reasons why this challenge isn't agreeing with me like I thought it would, it all came together to form another edition of what I call Mandy's Misadventures. lol

So for this second month of Mandy's Misadventures with Instagram, I'm going to try again to do this Photo Challenge. I got this month's calendar from Fat Mum Slim again, so without further ado here it is:
Lindsay from Pen & Paint came up with this list, and yet again, I like it. It seems rather easy to handle, but yet again, for me that's easier said than done. I'm going to try. I guarantee nothing except that there will be at least one photo from this month on there. lol I'm also going to be putting a widget on here so you can see my Instagram; maybe that'll motivate me to get off my duff and keep my New Year's resolution to find something pretty in every day.

On another quick update note, I'm almost finished with January's Pinterest Project. I wasn't able to get the sweatshirt until earlier this week, so I didn't get to do the project until Wednesday. With the project not turning out as expected and my birthday the following day (plus normal daily stuff), I didn't have the time to complete it by yesterday. But it should be up in a few days. Sorry about that!

I do believe that's about everything for now, I don't have anything else to add so I hope you all have a great Super Bowl weekend...and if you're not into football, I hope whatever you're doing is of equal awesomeness. lol

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