With March already upon us, it's a good time to get to some of that pesky Spring cleaning that everyone (or maybe just me) puts off for a tomorrow that never comes. lol I've been needing to clean out underneath my bed for years so I could switch the layout, but to be quite honest I wasn't looking forward to cleaning out that particular Pandora's box so I continued to procrastinate about doing it. While I was looking for some inspiration on how I'd like my room to look (someday, Rome wasn't built in a night lol) I found a company called Parachute. Parachute is a bedding company that specializes in a number of bedding products, from entire sets to inserts, all with the focus of providing the consumer with premium-quality products that help create a better sleeping experience. By the by, this isn't a sponsored post. I can only hope that one day, my room looks that cleanly styled. One can dream, right? My bed, and my bedroom overall, had pieces of me in it but I don't feel like they were a reflection of who I am, if that makes any sense. I think one's bedroom, especially if one lives at home or with roommates, is very important in terms of self-expression and reflects a bit on the state of mind. For me personally, when I'm more anxious and disorganized mentally, it shows in my lack of attention to the state of my bedroom. When I'm feeling focused and organized, my room reflects that or helps me to remain that way when I get stressed. With some of these things in there and the focal point of my room being closer to what I like out of my room, I feel like its a bit closer now to speaking to who I am.
I've recently noticed that there's quite a few DIY projects around my room, many of which didn't make the list, but I wanted to include a few of my favorites, as well as what I did with my bed because I finally! decided to quit being a chicken last week and get to all the junk I had cooped up underneath it. Now be warned, these photos (as are many of my other photos so I'm sure you're used to it by now lol) are from my Nexus so I apologize if they're not as high-quality and sophisticated as you'd probably like. Anyway, here are some of my favorite things!
1. My bed
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How it usually looks.....just before I mess it back up LOL |
When I first thought about redoing my room, my bed was horribly disorganized, from the color scheme to all the junk I have on it all the time, and I initially didn't include it on my list. One of the pros of being single is that I don't have to share the other side of my bed, so it's easy to just shove stuff over to the other side when I'm ready to go to sleep. But because I don't have to share the other side of my bed, it becomes an unintentional mecca for clutter, especially when you're a recovering packrat like myself. I blog from home and am often in bed due to health issues, so for me my bed is pretty much the focal point of my bedroom. I blog from here (I'm writing this post from here now lol), do any additional work from here, take most blog photos here, eat, drink and sleep here, and on the rare occasions anyone is in here with me they're usually at the foot of the bed because it took up so much space that I couldn't put in any additional furniture. It became more of a practical piece of furniture than anything else. It wasn't a reflection of me though, and I didn't like that. I didn't like that my bed usually had 857 things on it (because I'm usually doing 850 things at one time lol), and I hated that when you came in the room, that was all you saw. I finally decided to get off my duff, work up the energy and just get it done. I love the look and feel of a made bed; if your bed is the focal point of your room like mine was then it's imperative that it shows off your room and personal style in a good way.
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How my bed looks....on rare occasions |
But I've since changed my bed around and it now looks more like a daybed, which leaves me with less space to fill on the bed, gave me significantly more space in the room, and is now something that I enjoy showing off. It was always comfortable for sleep, but now I value said comfort, as cheesy as that sounds. I chose a black and blood red theme for it mainly because I just like how the colors mesh together, but also because it fit my personality and what I wanted out of my bedroom, which was a more mature look and feel. It's simple but I like it and love being in it more now than I did before. I know it's nothing beautiful like those beds in the show rooms (or the ones on Parachute's website lol), but it's comfortable and I like it.
2. The lighting
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I'd still prefer the lights to go around the entire room, but I'm beginning to like how this looks too. It was way easier to photograph than when they went around all 4 walls. lol |
Last month when I first decided I wanted to do this post, I had lighting going around all 4 walls, but most of the lights have since shorted (I used them nightly and they were up for 8 years) so I took them down and when I moved my bed, I put up the new lights just to frame the bed. These lights do a lot for helping me to relax at night. They're just regular white Christmas lights, but they give my room a soothing glow when I turn off my bedroom lights and turn these on. My favorite thing to do at night when I want to try and relax is to turn the room lights off, turn these on, light a few candles and some incense, and turn on Netflix's Fireplace for Your Home. It creates a very calming atmosphere and because I have frequent insomnia with anxiety that tends to peak at night, this is a godsend for me.
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I really like how this looks. If only I could keep it looking this clean. |
3. The curtains around my bed
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I've had curtains framing my bed for so long that the entire room looks off without them there. I think they create a more luxurious feel when you let them hang around the bed. I've loved canopy beds since I was a kid but I never had one for myself so I just cheap-o DIY'd this one and hung the curtains from my ceiling. When I'm not watching tv and I'm holed up in bed for the night, I'll pull the curtains down and do the things I said for my lighting. For some reason, it helps when you want to dial it down a bit and relax. It's probably just me but it reminds me of a fort, and who doesn't like a good fort? The curtains themselves provide a bit more privacy, but depending on the level of transparency, they'll keep you from feeling boxed in.
4. My jewelry/headband displays
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Looks like I'm going to need another of these frames. |
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I'm almost out of space on this one too so it's about time to put up another frame. I love earrings, can you tell? |
I love this part of my room because the jewelry frames and racks are a reflection of my style, they're a great dupe for wall art, and they help me keep track of my jewelry, which continues to increase. It's also easier to plan outfits with my jewelry when I can see it. I know I'm not the only one who does that. Anyway, everything for this project cost about $5 and took around an hour to make, and I love a simple, quick DIY project. The first frame is for my necklaces and bracelets, and the second is for my continually growing collection of hoop and dangly earrings.
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My next headband acquisition is a pair of sparkly bunny ears for Easter. lol My niece loves putting these on, but then realizes she can't see it anymore, so she snatches it off. |
Underneath my jewelry frames is my holiday headband rack, which is my 1-year-old niece's favorite part of my room. lol I have a thing for collecting crazy, usually holiday-themed headbands and I love showing them off, so I put them on the wall. And yes, I do wear them in public. LOL This is a favorite part of my room because they always make me smile, especially when I'm having a bad day. They're corny and light-hearted but sort of quirky and funny, and I'd like to think that that's how I am too.
*An unofficial favorite part of my room is what I call my 'puzzle door,' which is where I hang all of my completed puzzles. Doing puzzles is a big hobby of mine and I hate the idea of throwing them away after putting in all that time to complete them, so I thought I'd make an accent wall of sorts by hanging the collection as it grows on my bathroom door. The puzzles are all drastically different from one another so they don't follow a specific layout or theme, and that variation is what makes it look so fun. I'm still adding on to it but I like how it looks so far; it's definitely different from the typical wall art but that's what I like about it. And that, kids, is reason #888 why I'm single. I'm the type of boob to be excited about putting together more puzzles for a puzzle accent spot in my bedroom.
*The other unofficial extra favorite (actually, it's #1 on the list) is my snack box, which is a small box underneath my desk that I hide all of my edible goodies in. There is a large place in my heart for junk food, and I usually try to keep the box stocked for movie nights or when I'm up late researching/finishing a blog post. I love me some snacks. Mmm. Is there a Campbell's soup emoji for the "Mmm" thing? lol
And those are a few of my favorite things! What are some of your favorite things in your bedroom? What types of things (color scheme, overall theme, etc.) do you implement in your room that reflect your personality? A few years ago, I split my closet in half and used one half for my clothes, and the other for what I nicknamed the Cryin' & Craftin' closet. LOL I wallpapered that half of the closet, set up a chair and my crafting supplies, and when I wanted to craft or do my homework in peace, that's where I went. And when I just needed a minute, I'd close the closet door, have a little cry, and call it a day. lol What do you have in your bedroom to promote relaxation? Have any creative ideas to make the most out of a small space? Let me know and I hope you liked this post!
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