Hi and Happy New Year! I hope you brought in your year surrounded by happiness and love. I realize that sounds cheesy as shit but I promise I mean every word. Nineteen days separate us from a new president taking office, and there's no telling what will happen in the next four years. I think it's important to make sure that you cultivate all the happiness and find all the love that you possibly can. I also believe in the saying that the way you bring in the year is what will follow you throughout it, so I try to bring in every new year with as much happiness, positivity and love as I can. Anyway, cheesy stuff aside, let's get to the foundation for this year's report card. This year's list is a little different; I included one goal for each category that I review, then some general goals for the blog. Here they are!
In a sentence, my main goal for this year is just to do better. I'd like to do better with the products I review here, in the topics I don't review as often, like the Tech and DIY categories, with promoting the blog and trying to maintain a consistent presence on social media, and being a better blogger in general. One of the largest things I'd love to do is revive old series and start new ones that I've had in the works for years but didn't have the opportunity to kick off. Last year I'd like to think I stepped my game up a lot from past years, but this year I'd like to kick that into high gear. And it would genuinely bring me a world of excitement if you'd join me. I may not be as high-tech, as consistent, as financially sound as bigger bloggers so the desire to read my rambling ass reviews may not be as high. I realize that. But I like what I do here. I like my rambling ass reviews, and I think that with the right resources (or the right usage of the resources I have), I am more than capable of creating quality reviews for you to read. There's something different about my site, and I like that. I hope I get to show more of that this year, if not to an audience then to myself, just to prove that I could create what I initially envisioned when I revamped this as a review blog. So here's hoping that this year's report card reads better than last year's. See you tomorrow!

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