When I first thought about my birthday post for this year, I initially had the idea to do "30 Things I've Learned..." as a follow-up to last year's "29 Things..." post. But then I thought about it and realized I'd have listed 59 lessons in 2 years and I've only been around for 30. lol Not saying I haven't learned 59 lessons throughout my life, I think I've learned a ton, but to be truthful I think many things I've learned can be blanketed underneath larger, more general lessons, and I covered that last year.
I still wanted to do a birthday post though, so I started thinking how I could change it up a bit and let you know a bit more about me other than the bits of rambles in review posts. That's when I remembered that one of my 52-week post prompts from last year was "50 Things You Don't Know About Me," but I don't believe I ever got around to doing it. I switched out 50 for 30 and that's what we've got going on here today. Here are 30 things about me, most of which I don't think I've mentioned here before. Enjoy!
1. I don't consume alcohol. I don't drink it, don't eat things made with it and won't cook with it.
2. My allergy list is pretty long, but my two favorite (and embarrassing) things to mention on it are latex and hot dogs. lol
3. I'm notorious for getting late-night giggles.
4. I can eat myself sick on cheese puffs...and usually do, so I try not to eat them too often.
5. I have had headaches nearly every day for the past 10 years.
6. Most of the time when I come up with nicknames for people, they stick.
7. Breakfast is my favorite meal to eat, but dinner is my favorite meal to cook. In that same token, winter is my least favorite season but it's my favorite to make meals for.
8. I'm a bit of a hypochondriac.
9. The shower is where I do my best thinking but I'm often hit with epiphanies at random moments.
10. I have a thing for accents.
11. My friend and I love creating imaginary dialogue between her and her dog. LOL
12. I'm not very competitive, to the point that I'm the boob who prays for the opposing team to remain injury-free during games.
13. My favorite WWE superstar of all time is Shawn Michaels.
14. My first major in college was psychology.
15. I become so emotionally invested in certain books that my brain tricks me momentarily into thinking I experienced something that I actually read in a book.
16. I discovered my desire to work in hospitality by accident.
17. When I really like a tv show, song or YouTube video, I will watch it over and over...and over again.
18. I was a vegan for a year and a vegetarian for four years.
19. My anxiety sometimes affects me in quite amusing ways; I once had an anxiety attack about something involving pepperoni.
20. I have an obsession with school supplies and notebooks. I probably own over 40 notebooks.
21. I'm a low-key hipster and would love to be sorry for it....but I'm not.
22. I have imposter syndrome, among other things.
23. I learned graphics design from a job I had on a virtual roleplaying site.
24. Despite being a GB fan, I hated Rodgers for his first two seasons as quarterback.
25. I thrive the most when I'm single and celibate rather than being in a relationship.
26. I'm still a little angry at myself for misspelling the word 'zaniness' in my 5th grade spelling bee.
27. I would have loved to have attended the Royal Rumble in San Antonio yesterday.
Let me paint you a picture. This past weekend was the 30th Royal Rumble, in my home state of Texas, in San Antonio, Shawn Michaels' billed hometown, and he was there, along with Undertaker, another of my all-time favorites. All of my other favorites were in the building as well, including my birthday twin (and fellow Irish lady/steampunk fan) Becky Lynch, who is also turning 30 today. The Rumble card was the most stacked it's probably ever going to be, and I don't know that it'll happen again. Today is the post-Rumble Raw, which is the official kick-off to Wrestlemania. For me, the stars couldn't have aligned any better and being able to enjoy sharing my birthday weekend with one of my favorite PPVs was something I'd been hoping to do for months. I don't think I'll ever get an opportunity like that again, especially with my favorites being in attendance. It dulled the entire weekend for me not to be there, honestly.
28. I love movie scores more than the accompanying soundtracks.
29. I dedicate a bit too much of my time to wondering about magic and extraterrestrial life.
30. I am terrified of getting older. That fear, for me, starts with 30.
At first, I had the idea to give a little backstory to each of these, but that would have dragged out this post to the size of a small book....so in other words, this would have dragged the post out into one of my normal entries. lol I decided to leave all but one story-free to keep it a little more interesting. And shorter, because you'd be spending my birthday in the house trying to get through the post if I'd kept the initial draft. Anyway, so there's 30 things you probably didn't know about me. As I have said multiple times, I'm a boring gal. I used to make apologies for it and try to change it, but I love me and, at this point in my life, feeling the need to apologize for being me, boring or not, out of fear that people will be disinterested feels rather contradictory to me now. Here's some advice for you if you are spending your twenties the way I spent mine--apologizing for who you are for other people, and letting that prevent you from fully embracing yourself: STOP THAT SHIT. If you're boring--to other people--but you love your interests, enjoy keeping your own company and aren't ashamed of who you are, then be boring. But own it. Don't ever apologize for who you are, unless who you are is someone who hurts yourself or others. And with that, I hope you have a great Monday (I'm in the minority here, but I actually love Mondays), thank you for spending a little time with me today and I'll see you tomorrow!

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