Friday, July 21, 2017

RRNT Summer Series

Hi! Did you miss RRNT's summer series of posts? You probably did, because I'm an idiot and didn't post the shit on schedule or properly promote it once it was published. lol I put together 5 posts this year, but I also wanted to include a few of the other posts I've done in summers past.

  • RRNT Summer Lookbook --8 summery looks based off of different fashion trends I mentioned during the inspiration post

Here are some of my previous summer posts:

  • Summer Inspiration (2015) --should really be titled "Summer Essentials" as it's about the beauty and skincare products I prefer to use during this time of year

I'm really proud of these posts, as dumb as it sounds, so I really hope you all enjoy them. The bottom four posts are from when I was first starting to get into seasonal posts, so take it easy on me if they look a little low-rate. For that matter, the top ones probably do too (I use apps and GIMP lol) so still, take it easy. Anyway, even though I'm in love with a couple of these posts I still have to apologize; as is custom with my posts they're rather long but the Throwback Summer Soundtrack is especially lengthy. You'll see why when you check it out. I hope the takeaway makes the length worth it. But again, I sincerely hope you enjoy the RRNT Summer Series and I'll see you soon!

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