Wednesday, June 10, 2009

GH Midweek Mashup--Week of June 8, 2009

So Helena is now on to Rebecca and Ethan's scheme. I think Rebecca is grossly and probably dangerously underestimating Helena's capabilities. She's a nasty woman and Rebecca is being too big for her britches at the moment. So why did Helena knock Luke out to have at her mercy? I guess we'll find out but I think it's going to lead to Tony Geary's annual vacation. I don't really like Tracy but I'm glad she immediately caught on to Holly's fake call of distress. And despite his obvious reluctance to do so, I think Ethan is warming up to Tracy. And I think he genuinely wants to be Luke's son. I wonder if this is going to have an effect on how he pulls off the scam with Rebecca. He told her not to become emotionally attached, but I sense that he is becoming attached as well. He really did come to town to follow a lead that Holly gave him. I don't think he expected to find his father and I think it's going to eventually change the way he views the scam.

I was happy I didn't see Maxie for awhile and then today, I get her rambling at the beginning of the episode. Everyone talks about how Spinelli rambles on and on and it's annoying, but Maxie does the same thing. I find Maxie's rambling irritating, and the octave in her voice is just another notch on my belt of annoyances. Point blank--99% of the time, I can't stand Maxie. She's got good fashion taste though. One thing I find a little funny is how she rambles with that same 'doe-eyed animal' look in her eyes; it never changes. I feel like Jason's becoming the flunkie cop/clean up man because look at what he's had to handle in the past few years--Spinelli. Maxie. Spinelli and Maxie. He gets stuck with the dumbest things to handle. It certainly can't help his IQ level rise any--as gorgeous as he is, he definitely ain't the sharpest knife in the drawer, is he? I don't like Maxie and Johnny together. At all. Enough said about that.

Discretion was definitely the name of the game when it was discovered that the man in the room with the unconscious woman was the mayor of Port Chuck. I think he has something to hide besides the affair, which would explain his very obvious reluctance at getting any help. That poor girl was apparently closer to death than the mayor realized, but he still hesitated on getting help. The thing that boggled my mind was that instead of threatening to call the police for foul play in case the girl (I think her name was Brianna) died, Olivia instead threatened to call the mayor's wife. LOL Was the girl's fate a cautionary or warning tale about the dangers of having sex in the bathtub?

Nikolas stumbled right on to Rebecca's plan today and didn't even realize it. He caught on so quickly but dismissed it at the same rate, so he must have been convinced by Rebecca's show. And for all logical purposes why shouldn't he? He hasn't come across anything that would suggest Rebecca already knew she was Emily's twin and was indeed coming to pick up Emily's share of the Quartermaine fortune....and she must really be rocking his socks off since most suspicions of her went down the drain since Alexis made them wait to hit the sheets.

I like Robin a lot more since her recovery. I think one thing is missing though--her interactions with others. I understand that Robin's been refocused since she's been back, and that means she wants to be with her family. But we never saw any closure with her and Maxie, or her and Elizabeth. Both of them deserve apologies from Robin, and I think they are both entitled to one. Robin went after both of them with both barrels (mainly Maxie at her intervention) and then was shipped off to the rehab center in a pretty little box. Since then, neither Maxie nor Elizabeth has mentioned Robin, and I don't blame them. So what happens now that Robin is back? Do Maxie and Elizabeth forgive her? Are they still feeling resentful or hurt by the things she said? What are the writers going to do there; I think that part of Robin's recovery is also integral to the story, making her go to the friends and family who tried to help her and apologizing. Of course, nobody deserves Robin's gratitude and apologies more than Patrick, but since he seems to have forgiven her I suppose I can too.

For some reason, I think it was very fitting that Rebecca was the one to tell Jason that she and Emily were twins. Jason was one of the first, if not the first, to see Rebecca on her first few days in town but has had the least reaction, so I don't think there was anyone better to tell him the news. I wonder how he's going to handle that. Liz was immediately suspicious of Rebecca's motives and good for her. She needs to stick with that. Liz needs something to do with her time off from work besides babysit Emma, run after Lucky and attempt to go barb for barb with Rebecca. I'm still a hopeless Liason fan but I doubt I'll be seeing them together for a long time, if ever again. Emily's death hit Jason hard, so I thought it was very appropriate that her doppelganger was the one to deliver the news. Will this affect Jason's future interactions with Rebecca? He offered his help, but will he ignore the signs if and when she decides to manipulate him? Johnny showing up right after and shoving the 'what would your sister think' tactic in Jason's face right after Rebecca left drove it home. Will that change Jason's mind on what to do with the incriminating evidence? Sonny knows that Jason has something on Claudia, I doubt he'd let Johnny strongarm or guilt him into not giving up what he knows.

Random GH questions, facts and comments: 1)I love how Luke calls Tracy 'wife.' Not a 'darling,' or 'my love,' just a simple 'wife.' 2)Still loving Natalia Livingston's performances. I don't see Emily at all in any interactions with people, especially Ethan. 3) I thought it was funny when the politician was talking about how he was so anti-drugs. ::eye roll:: Spoken like a true politician. I find it hilarious when politicians want to bring their morals and beliefs into a situation that's less than favorable to said morals and beliefs. 4)Wouldn't a Spinelli-Kate affair be the funniest thing ever? In Helena's words, wouldn't it be just delicious?.....Nah, the aftertaste of orange soda and stale uppity perfume doesn't really alert all my senses. LOL 5)Why do so many politicians cheat? 6)It was hard picking a line of the day--there were alot of witty or funny lines from characters today, but the one I chose was one of my favorites.

Line of the day: "Make your phony distress calls to some other sucker. This one's taken."--Tracy to Holly
And just because the lovely Constance Towers is back on my television for at least a little while, she gets the honorary line of the day even though she didn't say this today: "Well isn't that delicious."

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