Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Cat and Mouse...and Kate--GH 8/11/09

Maxie has elevated from putting her foot in her mouth; it's now at a steady rate towards her esophagus. And it officially hit her intestines when Kate decided to be opportunistic about the wedding and Maxie decided on September. I think the best thing Maxie could have done was just to sit Spinelli down, tell him to stop trying to badger her with a proposal, and tell him why her view is so low when it comes to marriage. The boy is annoying, but I admired his courage with Mac and for that, he at least deserves honesty from her. I thought it was funny how Robin and Patrick added fuel to the fire, and poor Spinelli fainted dead away. Kate proved that she's no longer Connie from the Block by making Maxie's marriage an event for her stupid magazine, which Maxie practically runs by herself. I don't suspect Maxie saying anything until it's too late, so it will inevitably come out in a dramatic scene and break Spinelli's heart.

I wish Olivia and Kate were closer, I really do. But Kate's an unapologetic snob. It won't change. It was stupid to put Megan Ward on recurring; Kate's storylines have so much potential, even if her fan base as Kate isn't so strong; do something else with her character, stop making us hate her and there won't be a problem. Olivia still resents Connie for basically 'creating' Kate and turning her back on the family, while Kate resents Olivia for making her keep Dante a secret from Sonny, a secret that seems more on the edge of failure than success. More people know Dante's face and have seen him with Olivia. Olivia knows that Dante is unknowingly trying to take down his father, so what is she going to do? Furthermore, how will this impact Dante and his undercover status; I gotta tell you, Sonny is really starting to slip in his older days. Had this been just a few years ago, he would have sniffed Dante out as a copper immediately. He would have checked out what Olivia was doing back in Bensonhurst in the years she was away. But not only is he interacting with his son, who is on his way to taking him down, he has no idea he's a cop and he's got even less of a clue that that's his child. According to spoilers, Carly is going to put things together when she sees him and Morgan again. Taking your own brother hostage and not realizing it......that's gotta be a hell of a pill to swallow. So when Dante inevitably learns Sonny is his father, will he continue doing his job with the same amount of dedication, will it increase (we know his opinion of Sonny can't be too high already), or will it decrease since he knows it's Olivia's fault he doesn't know his father and will try to mend fences?And damnit if Olivia doesn't still have that token.

Kristina was really getting on my nerves today. Michael was telling her the truth about Jerry and she didn't have anything but excuses for why Jerry locked them in the room. It should have been obvious to her that he wasn't concerned for them, despite his seemingly good deeds. It provides proof that book smarts don't equal street smarts. There's a man standing outside your room, Kristina. Nobody knows you're there. You can't escape. He. Is. Trapping. You. Just admit it. You also know you're the one that caused Claudia's accident, but you're letting Michael continue to schlep you around the world because of his guilt. Not a good move. Speaking of K, what's up with Kiefer? Other than the fact that he's obviously on the abusive side of the spectrum, I'm not interested in him as a character. They tried bringing him in with Kristina. They gave him the conflict with Michael. They tried the abuse thing. They tried having him save her when she caused the accident. That's one thing---he claimed to not care about her anymore when he dumped her for that other girl, but then she calls him in trouble and he's right there? Is it a need to control her or something? It makes no sense. Some say that Kiefer caused the accident but it doesn't add up. The character has no depth, no real reason to be there.

Line of the day: "Jaseypoo, are you trying to be clever?" --Jerry, to Jason

The Randomness:
1)Although I like Johnny and Olivia together (not as much as I like him with Lulu but I digress), I think she finds him as an escape from the lies of her past and the storm in the future and he finds her as a breath of fresh air that is also free from lies, or so he thinks. Their relationship is about living in the moment, something they both need. 2)Diane is awesome. That's all. 3) What will happen once Lucky finds out Dante is actually on the right side of the law? I doubt it'll make him like Dante any, but I wonder how this will affect their interactions. Will Lucky try to use Dante's insider position as his way to get info for the PCPD? 4)Funny how Lucky and Ethan teamed up to beat up Dante because they think he's a thug, when actually it's Ethan running scams; Dante's just doing his job of simply appearing as a thug. 5)I liked Maxie's shirt today. 6)I find it funny that Olivia's always offering to feed Johnny when he comes over. She's such a mom. 7)Michael's plan to take down Jerry's guy was kinda funny. The guy could easily overpower him in 8 seconds. I wanted to shake Kristina for just standing there. 8)What a funny comparison--at the same time that Jason was fighting Jerry, Michael (Jason Jr.) was strongarming Jerry's cronie. Coincidence? I think not. 9)What happened to the friendship between Alexis, Kate and Diane? Kate may be a bitch, but I think she still needs a good female friend. 10)Speaking of Kate, what happened to that other editor stealing her stories for Couture?

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