Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Oh, David!! --OLTL

Am I the only one who finds the Blair/Todd/Tea triangle a bit stupid? Anyone with half a brain knows that Todd and Blair will find their way back to each other at some point; I think Blair needs a man that's not already a resident of Llanview so that she can move on and stop her obsession with Todd's life. It absolutely eats at her that Tea, her worst enemy, admits the same thing and gets the guy, while she admits the same thing, and not only does not get the guy, but she has to watch them cavorting under her roof, at Dorian's suggestion, no less. For a petty woman like Blair, that's hell on earth. Rex obviously sees a little bit of Stacy in Blair's act, and I thought it was kinda funny when he called it on her and she hit the roof. The only reason she got mad in my opinion is because Rex hit the nail on the head and she wasn't ready to admit she was being petty, both to others and to herself. Rex seems less willing to help wreck others for selfish gains due to his stuff with Stacy, and I realized he has emerged from this slightly more mature....when the need calls for it, like with his conversation with Blair today. It was a more mature Rex who was thinking about the real reason Blair called on him to help, but since Blair's only asking him to dig up dirt, I don't think it would be bad for him to take the case.

I think it was a mature thing for Tea and Todd to finally talk about how they like where the relationship is going without just living in the moment and having sex. One thing I have noticed about Todd since the thing with Marty is that he's more open with his feelings and able to admit to these feelings instead of playing coy and letting the woman put herself on the line. While that's fine and dandy, how are we supposed to just put his unpunished past aside and accept this new Casanova vibe he's got going on? I'm not saying he should be exiled or anything; he should go on with his life, but I also think that it should be a little hard for him; he can't just go back to regular life after another almost rape conviction...on the same victim. The only one who hasn't seemed to forget is Marty, with reason. Tea only remembers the parts that hurt her personally, the 'rape' not being one of them. Personally I don't think this last instance with Marty was rape in a way. Because she had amnesia and therefore did not remember Todd was her rapist from back in college, I agree. But despite the amnesia and her lack of remembering, she was still of sound mind when she agreed to sleep with him. I dunno. I know for sure the first time was rape. This second time I would say it was more like fraud. lol I dunno. I wonder what this Elijah Clarke has on Teabag, I think there's a little Tea Tot lurking somewhere. She has seemed to visibly age and pale with this new attorney in town. I think she knows he's not bluffing.

I was dismayed to see Langston and Markko arguing today. I was slightly annoyed by the fact that Langston got mad at Markko for bailing on their date when she should know exactly why he's busting his ass off in the first place. I don't want Markko's parents disowning him to end up breaking up him and Langston; in a city full of backstabbing I find it refreshing that these two have been mature and responsible in their relationship with each other. It's stable and obviously about love, no secrets or anything involved. So I know the writers are probably giving them some problems due to Markko's situation and to be honest problems are to be expected in a situation like this, but I hope they can be strong enough not to let it tear them apart. Langston's biggest fear seems to be losing Markko or having him resent her over time and then breaking up with her. Markko's got a lot on his plate right now; this is the time for Langston to be there as much as she can.

Eddie Alderson has really come into his own over the past year and a half or so. He's getting bigger storylines and he can handle them. He's got good range and the writers are allowing him to use it. It's a little underhanded of Matthew to threaten Bo and Nora with blackmail in order to get his way, but 1)he's a child; 2)it was very obviously the move of a desperate boy. I think both sides are making the mistake of not listening to each other; moreso Bo and Nora not listening to Matthew. Someone can tell you what it's like to walk in their shoes, but you never truly know what it's like until you actually put the shoes on and take the walk yourself. Bo and Nora have every right to be concerned; their son is already in a wheelchair and like any loving parents, they don't want to lose their son on the operating table. But he wants his life back and that's not a crime. Someone is offering to open the window for him since the door was closed on him being able to walk, but Bo and Nora are trying their hardest to shut it.

And the big elephant in the room--David Vickers is back. Again. And now he's using his former hometown as the basis for his newest reality show. Dorian made the mistake of thinking he really wanted to hear about her problems, when he was really using her as a prop to get information on what's been happening in Llanview since his last visit. Dorian's reaction to finding the camera crew behind the bushes was hilarious. Robin Strasser has the irritating 'dame of the mansion' shrill down pat and that's funny too. For some reason though, I still can't get the Grey Gardens thing out of my head. lol I've realized that David really doesn't have a soul, any depth; but for him the one-dimensional thing works. When he does find something he likes or that gives him money and fame, he throws himself completely into it. It's usually a scam, but you gotta admire the guy's dedication. :)

Line of the day: "I engage in only wholesome activities." --Todd, to Tea

The Randomness:
1)Dorian unconsciously listening to the cameraguy and turning to smile before she realized what was going on was pretty funny. 2)Blair's outfit was adorable; I want the whole thing! Very light and summery. 3)I noticed there weren't anymore streaks in Langston's hair, but I like the new color. 4)I recognize Bo and Nora's attorney; he used to play Terry McDermott on AMC. 5)I think Greg is going to make the move in on Rachel before the summer is out. 6)Does anyone know how long Florencia Lozano is staying with the show? 7)Todd and Tea's game of 'uncle' seemed alot like their view of roleplay. It was kinda sexy. lol 8) I don't think Rex owed Blair an apology at all, but her pride was messed up when Rex guessed exactly what she was doing, and since she's still in denial, she thought the apology would help. Um, ok Blair....9)I like the relationship between Destiny and Shawn. It's a good thing to have; I'd like to see more of it. 10)I purposely chose that for the line of the day. It could start its own post with just how tongue-in-cheek it was. I don't agree with how glib the writers chose to be when he delivered that lin, but it fits in with Todd's dry humor.

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