Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Randomisms before Reviews

AMC 8/17/09 --Marissa had me angry at first by actually being mad that JR had the gall to choose little Adam over her. Are you serious right now, Marissa? Really? David has spent the better part of the past year doing almost nothing except trying to get Adam away from JR. So if at any time he mentions that he is willing to stop, any parent would say yes. Get over yourself and be a woman, Marissa. You should have encouraged him to make sure his son was safe at all costs. No relationship is worth that, especially one that hasn't even technically begun yet. But JR got some sage advice from a bitter Scott and decided to go back and fight. I still don't like Marissa but I guess we'll have to see where this thing with JR goes.

I liked seeing Krystal and Erica actually discussing something besides men and catfights. I don't know how this ties into the move to LA that AMC will be making in January, but if both women go on this trip to Africa, I would like to see them emerge from it with at least a grudging respect for each other. Since Krystal got with David, her friendship with Angie kind of fell by the wayside, and Erica's never really had a female friend, excluding her assistant, who I haven't seen in about as long as it's been since I've seen Carmen. By the way, where the hell is she? Did she go wait for Mando to get out of prison? haha Both of them are not too far apart in age, they're more alike than either of them care to admit, they both love Tad and they are uniting for the greater good. Not to mention, they could both use a female friend. From my mouth to Frons' ears.

It was good for me to see Liza displaying some real emotion about her mother. It was long overdue. She has seemed almost emotionless, save for the constant squinty eyes, about almost everything, including Marian's very obvious dislike of Liza's defending Kendall. Yesterday she lost it for a moment and showed some emotion, finally. It seemed at first that nothing was affecting her but it's good to see the facade drop, even if only for a little while. I do find it awful weird though that she can go from losing her composure in the hospital to all pulled together, googly-eyed at Zach at the Chandler mansion not even 12 hours later. Some people can't stand to be vulnerable, I guess. But you don't get over the fear of your mother never coming back to being obsessed with a man that quickly. It just doesn't happen.

Line of the day(because it's a total WTF!! type of quote) "We didn't lose the baby. We misplaced the baby, and we're gonna get him back." --Tad, to Opal

1)Why Tad even agreed to the entire plot is beyond me, it's so stupid. 2) Still not warming to the Invisimommy thing. I'm trying but it's just not working out. So sue me. 3)Not that many randomisms today, I'm realizing. Hmm.....good or bad thing?

I've included the following video and link for your viewing pleasure. After much hunting, I finally found two videos that prove the point I've made in a couple of previous posts. Fast-forward the first video to 5:49 and the second one to 5:29. Play the first one til about 5:55 and the second to about 5:35. You'll see a similarity I don't have to bother explaining. lol Enjoy!!

((btw, I don't own rights or anything to either of these clips.))


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