Thursday, August 20, 2009

Clinty's Got A Gun

Yep, I stole that title straight from Aerosmith and tweaked it to fit my purpose. No, I'm not apologizing for it.

Rex's apology to Sky seemed a bit like a warning for him as well. It was pretty rotten though, he couldn't even look Sky in the face. He doesn't handle feeling threatened by another man too well; now he must know what it was like for Gigi when she had to watch him with Stacy, knowing it was a lie. Tenfold for the Gigster though, since she was feeling threatened by her own kinfolk. Sky's just another man who sees Gigi for what she's really worth and isn't as knuckleheaded as Rex. I gotta say, within the last few months I have fallen really out of favor with that one. Get it together, Rexypants. Get. It. Together. lol

It was too funny watching Matthew try not to laugh at David and then give him the thumbs-up. I wonder if that was an out of character thing on Eddie Alderson and Tuc Watkins, or if the smothered giggling was really in the storyline. In any case, it was entirely too funny. Since David's been back in town, I swear, almost every line in his scenes is LOD (Line of the Day) worthy. Wonder where Nigel went--probably up to his room like the bad boy he is. How dare he be ticklish. ::cue sarcasm::

I find it a bit funny that in real life, Scott Evans is gay and Brent Claywell is straight, but on the show, the straight-acting guy is really gay and the gay-acting one is really straight. They're both doing a pretty good job, but now knowing that Fish is gay, I see the signs a little more clearly.

Matthew: "What channel is this going to be on?" David: "By the time this is over, we'll have our own channel. All Bukes, all the time. Whaddya say?"

"Has Jessica talked to Dr. Levin about this? I don't wanna end up in the basement again." --Jared, to Brody
"Matthew's been doing the suing here and I've been footing his legal bills..... "Bros til the end." --David and Matthew, to Nora and Bo

"Sorry, lost the connection." ((that should be the phone company's motto lol))

"She almost killed me. It was fantastic! Did you get that on camera?" --David, to Markko

1)How did everyone keep from laughing during the David scenes? 2)I love Schuyler's emoting during his scenes. 3)I need to find a picture of Jessica's face during the scenes with Delphina. Priceless. 4)Still not interested in this buildup to Layla and Cris. Not only are they dragging it out, but it's just boring. I'm more interested in the Oliver-Kyle storyline. Cris and Layla is snoozeville for me. Sorry. 5)Rex is a hypocritical ass. 6)Where's Blair? She hasn't had a heart-to-heart with Starr in a little while. 7)Jessica seems to have inherited Tess' impatience. I still see flashes of Tess flare up a bit in Jessica's eyes from time to time, namely, her entire time with Delphina. lol 8)Rex needs a friend. Schuyler seems a bit, okay, A LOT, smarter than Rex. He could use Sky for his brain sometime. 9)I liked seeing David actually concerned for Matthew's safety with the surgery. It was a refreshing change from the shallow David we usually see, even if the moment only lasted, well, a minute. 10)Mark Lawson's hot. Do you think it would be against FCC rules if they 'accidentally' show him naked for like 9 seconds? That's enough time to take a picture and put it as the picture on my desktop, right? I kid, I promise. But you think its against FCC rules if they 'accidentally' let the cameras roll during a clothing change?

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