Sunday, August 30, 2009

OLTL Week in Review--week of 8/24/09

This week of OLTL actually wasn't that bad. We found out during the Friday cliffhanger that the elusive Ross Rayburn is living under an assumed name (and not too creative either) of Ross Raymond in Tahiti and is Tea's partner in crime in a whole new way---he's actually her husband. I was reading the weekly Two Scoops over on and the author of this week's column mentioned that she liked the way it played out; Ross getting closer to revealing his marriage to Tea at the very same time that Todd was putting it all on the line and proposing to Tea. I have to admit, I liked it too. I like when the writers further intertwine the story and drive the points home when they are told separately within the same scene like that. The more I saw of it, the more I realized that it's been the elephant in the room for awhile. Somehow, I suspect that Tea's marriage to Rayburn isn't her only secret. She seemed too scared of Elijah revealing this to anyone, and I don't see Tea getting spooked over Llanview finding out that she is already married, and not to Todd. If anything, the admission may win her some friends that didn't understand her unashamed propping and championing for Todd. Say what you will about him, but he's been pretty mature about admitting that he's caused alot of people pain. He makes no apologies or excuses for what he did to Marty the second time; he knew it was wrong, has made peace with her animosities towards him, and wants to move past it. Alot of people say that the character of Marty shouldn't let her rape and then kidnapping by Todd the catalyst of what she is about; in my opinion the same could be said for Todd's character. He can't stay in the hole that he created by being a rapist; it goes nowhere. In real life of course, rapists often are not brought into such close contact on a regular basis with their victims, but at the same time not all of them never see their rapist again. I wasn't a big fan of Marty and Todd's time together, but he seemed to have some realizations about his relationship with Tea and raced home to tell her, only to find Teabag packed and ready to jet. Literally. Todd is well aware that he can't change his past, and he is no longer trying to; he is trying to move on with the woman he 'loves,' as much as Todd can really love anyone. I gotta give it to him though, I think he really does feel something similar to love for Tea; he doesn't let his guard down often but he was pretty raw this week.

We saw Langston fighting her attraction to the producer of David's 'show,' which of course had Markko jealous, and with reason. For two years, she's been his freak, no wandering of the eye, no secret attraction to another guy, nothing. And with Lola's pursuit of Markko and her sabotage behind them, Markko is no doubt feeling a bit jealous and threatened by watching his girlfriend with the hot shirtless producer. I felt a little bad when Markko recreated the same thing that Ford had done earlier in the day; when I saw Ford's body I saw a man--a well-cut, rock solid man. But with Markko, I just saw someone who hadn't grown into his body entirely yet. I saw a boy...think about Twilight's Jacob Black before all the muscles and the haircut. I love me some Mr. Rivera, but I'm sorry. There was no comparison there. I just hope this attraction between Lang and Ford isn't allowed to go anywhere--Langston and Markko seem to have one of the strongest, most stable relationships on the show. There's no secrets, cheating or betrayal between them, and its obvious that they're willing to fight it out for each other. Don't let that be ruined by some fast talking, hot as hell reality show producer. That leftover tension by Lang lead to a roll in the hay (literally) and the introduction of a new part of this column I'm calling 'Overblown Bubble'(the name is subject to change; I'm just playing with the name until I find something that fits). This refers to an overused word or phrase that day, or that week. Soap writers are infamous, especially when proving a point or really driving a plot home, of using the same word or phrase and finding a way of working it into almost every conversation. For example, on Thursday, the Overblown Bubble was 'Muy caliente.' I think Markko and Langston said that at least 6 or 7 times. The first and second time I heard it, I thought it was a touch of Spanglish that I could admire; I dabble in it a bit myself. lol But after the fourth time, I was more than a little irritated. So that is where 'Overblown Bubble' originates. Send me your Overblown Bubble thoughts!

In a brief moment of humility on Stacy's part, she finally broke down this week and admitted to Kim that she was tired of lying, and headed over to Rex and Gigi's to tell them the truth. And silly me, I thought the writers were gonna let her go through with it. Silly soap viewer, truth is for dorks!! Kim 'saved the day' by not letting Stacy tell the truth, which lead to her running into a depressed Fish at Rodi's. After some 'grief sex,' Stacy is holding out hope that Fish's little swimmers hit the mark and she can pass this baby off as Rex's. It is amazing to me how narrow-minded and remorseless she is. I can't say I was touched by her little breakdown as I still hate her guts, but it did deceive me for a moment into thinking that she wanted to live her life lie-free and was ready to be honest. There's not much for me to say about this story; I hate it, I think the writers have dragged it on for long enough, and it needs to stop. That's all.

Blair headed off to Tahiti in the unnecessary scenes of the week, to get her dirt on 'that bitch Tea Delgado.' Another overblown bubble. In Tuesday's episode alone, I heard that 8 times before I stopped counting. I think Blair knows that Dorian and Rex are right and she's just using this as an excuse to break Tea and Todd up. TNT is perfectly capable of self-destructing, there's no needed assistance from Blair. Whatever secret Tea is hiding is obviously capable of doing that all by itself. I read in the spoilers that Ross and Blair are going to continue plotting against Tea in the weeks to come---could this lead to a love connection between the two schemers? It's obvious that Tea and Ross didn't marry for love, so she must have been strong-armed into marrying him so that he'd keep the bigger secret to himself, and now that she's trying to start anew with Todd, that secret is going to continue to get larger and larger. I really hope that someday, Blair's life doesn't revolve around anything Todd or Tea related, and that she can find a man who not only loves her despite her faults, but isn't with her to help her stick it to Todd. It's old. It's not high school anymore, Ms. Cramer. Get a life.

Well, the GH marathon is on and I've barely spoken about this soap, so I'll close this one early so that I can review GH. I'll also be doing full coverage and updates on the Daytime Emmy's tonight, so keep a look out! I also have a few new things to introduce in the column, which I will be doing hopefully after the Emmy hulabaloo is over, after the AMC marathon. Don't forget to catch the Emmy's, they'll be on the CW network around 6 or 7 tonight, and I believe SoapNet is doing the preshow this year. Full coverage here tonight!

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