Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Seances, Stalkers and Blackmail, Oh My! OLTL Midweek Mashup

Not much to say for OLTL's midweek mashup.

Langston's still getting on my nerves a bit. She's asking so many questions. I know she's used to Starr telling her everything, but its obvious Starr doesn't want to talk about it. Let it go. And stop pestering Starr. David's reality show where he's putting everyone's deeds on blast kind of parodies the show in a dry, sarcastic way and I find it pretty funny. Markko's face was priceless when Clint came in the room with the gun. That was a total throwback to Asa and how he probably would have handled Vickers and a camera crew coming into his house uninvited. Poor Nigel; he was hoodwinked, tickled, chastised and thrown aside. lol Guess that's the life of a butler.

I don't like Nora and Bo's attorney very much, but the only good thing that came out of it was that I was able to see a little more into their point of view. Matthew did make an impulsive decision to jump in the car with Cole that night, despite Cole's attempts to make him stay there, and it could be viewed as another impulsive decision to fight his parents about the surgery, despite the life-threatening risks. Matthew's judgment was at fault here and the lawyer brought that to light. I understand more about Nora and Bo's viewpoint now, although I have to admit, I'm still leaning a bit towards Matthew at this point.

Tea is obviously shaken by whatever this attorney has on her, but her poker face is awesome and she's doing a pretty good job of pretending that it's not bothering her.

I thought it was a little funny watching Jessica with Delphina today; she was very obviously skeptical but when the doors blew open, she was quick to call out for Nash. I really wish it was him, but knowing that its not, I wonder where the writers are going with this angle. Recasting the role could be disastrous as Forbes' March's Nash gave him and Jessica/Tess supercouple status and he was very popular in the role. Many fans want him back, so recasting the role may not be possible, especially since the pictures they keep showing are all of Forbes March and not a lookalike.

Today's lines of the day:
"Oh, come on, I gotta take my shirt off now!" --David's response to Clint threatening to kill him
"I gotta go, Clint Buchanan has a gun." --Markko, to Langston

and my personal favorite:
"I'm doing a recession special on do you wanna call Nash?" --Delphina, to Jessica

Yesterday's line of the day--(just because it was filled with so much angst)
"I quit Gigi. Cold turkey. And I'm not sure I can survive the withdrawal." --Schuyler, to Rachel

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